Technology Customers

The World of Technology is ever expanding.  When we first started our company the word S.T.E.M. did not exist.  Today we are selling machines to many public and private schools that are incorporating S.T.E.M into their curriculum to ensure the children of the future are prepared for what lies ahead.

We also find that our machine is used in many of the fields of technology that already exist and is the perfect equipment to do small runs of prototypes and packaging saving time from designing something and sending it out waiting for samples to come back before being sent for large run production.

We have sponsored a number of school science and technology programs such as engineering and robot construction.  It goes hand in hand with 3D printing. We are proud to say our machine has been used by several schools who have won top honors in their robotics competition.

We hope to continue to expand on these projects well into the future.

General Electric  New York Institute of Technology  FujiFilm   Massachusetts Institute of Technology   Medtronic  BAE SYSTEMS Inspired Work

Composites By Design