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Returns are accepted on new unopened merchandise within 15 days of shipping for a return or an exchange. All returns will be charged a 20% restocking fee.
IMPORTANT: Before you return your item(s) you will need to contact us and obtain an RMA number, and state the reason for the return.
- The item(s) must then be received by Silver Bullet Cutters no later than 30 days from the date of shipping.
- The returned items must be in their original unopened package.
If the return does not meet these conditions, Silver Bullet Cutters will not issue a refund. Item(s) that do not meet the required conditions will be returned to you. You will be responsible for the return shipping charges. If you decide you do not want to pay the return shipping rates the item(s) will become Silver Bullet Cutters property. You may want to
insure your return.
The RMA is (return merchandise authorization). THIS DOES NOT APPLY TO DIE CUTTING MACHINES. There are no returns on any machines.
If you have a mechanical problem with the item, contact us and we will get a return request from the manufacturer, and it will be returned to them for warranty work only.
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